100% Organic Fertilizer with Amino Acid for Agriculture

100% Organic Fertilizer with Amino Acid for Agriculture


Organic fertilizer is specially formulated to supply a balanced range of nutrients specifically needed by plants. Amino acids are the active ingredient in organic fertilizer. The form of amino acids used in organic fertilizers are derived from plant protein, which contains amino acids. Amino acid fertilizers can be applied with regular fertilizers and do not cause a buildup of salts in the soil. You can achieve higher yield and better quality when you use an organic fertilizer like amino acid.

Amino Acids Are The Active Ingredient In Organic Fertilizer.

Amino acids are the building blocks of amino proteins, which are essential for root development in plants. Organic fertilizer is made from plant proteins, which contain amino acids and enzymes that help convert them into usable nutrients. Amino acid fertilizers can be applied with regular fertilizers and do not cause a buildup of salts in the soil.

Organic Fertilizer Is Made From Plant Proteins, Which Contain Amino Acids, And Enzymes That Help Convert The Protein Into Usable Nutrients.

Organic fertilizer is made from fish based marine proteins, which contain amino acids, and enzymes that help convert the protein into usable nutrients. The essential amino acids are:

  • Alanine (A)
  • Arginine (R)
  • Aspartic acid (D)

The key element in organic fertilizers is the nitrogen content—the most common form of nitrogen used in agriculture today is ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate contains six nitrogen atoms per molecule; this makes it easier for plants to absorb than other forms of nitrogen such as urea or urea sulfate (which have five and four atoms respectively).

Amino Acids Are The Building Blocks Of Amino Proteins, Which Are Essential For Root Development In Plants.

Amino acids are the building blocks of amino proteins, which are essential for root development in plants. The structure of an amino acid is similar to a carboxylic acid (COOH) group. An amine group (NH2) attaches to this carboxylic acid group resulting in an amide bond.

Unlike carbohydrates and lipids, proteins cannot be digested by humans because they are not digested by enzymes in the stomach or intestine. Therefore, we must obtain our protein from vegetable sources like beans or nuts which contain high amounts of dietary protein.

Amino Acid Fertilizers Can Be Applied With Regular Fertilizers And Do Not Cause A Buildup Of Salts In The Soil.

Amino acid fertilizer is a great alternative to regular fertilizers. It can be applied with regular fertilizers and does not cause a buildup of salts in the soil.

Amino acid fertilizer is better for the environment, it doesn’t have any effect on crop yield or quality, it can be used for multiple crops and seasons, it uses natural ingredients that are less expensive than synthetic ones (such as urea), which leads to lower costs for farmers because they don’t need as much money to produce food products.

You Can Achieve Higher Yield And Better Quality When You Use An Organic Fertilizer Like Amino Acid.

Organic fertilizers are a great way to improve your crop. Plant nutrients are the building blocks of amino proteins, which help plants absorb nutrients from the soil and grow.

Organic fertilizers such as amino acid contain all the necessary nutrients for healthy crops. They also contain amino acids that support plant growth. The organic fertilizer will ensure that your crop gets all its required nutrients, while at the same time helping it absorb more than just what's provided in its natural environment.

Amino Acid Fertilizer Is A Great Way To Improve Your Crop.

Organic amino acid fertilizer is a great way to improve your crop. It can help you achieve higher yield and better quality by providing the plant with additional protein, which then becomes available for use by the plant. When you use an organic fertilizer like amino acid, it’s made from plant proteins, which contain amino acids (the building blocks of protein). Amino acids are also used as raw materials for making other compounds such as pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

The enzymes present in this type of fertilizer convert the protein into usable nutrients that plants need during growth stages such as seed germination or pod filling stage when fruits ripen.

Check out Best Organic Fertilizer for Plants (Bio-Fertilizer) : Click Here

Check out Best Organic Bio Stimulants : Click Here


This organic fertilizer is a great option for those who want to use a natural fertilizer. It contains all the nutrients needed by plants and helps with the growth of crops in agriculture.

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